Saturday, May 15, 2021

What is Urinary Incontinence?

Assisted Living Ann Arbor

What is urinary incontinence? It’s the involuntary loss of urine, according to the National Association for Continence (NAFC). 

Types of incontinence include:

  1. Urge incontinence – Also known as an overactive bladder – an urgent need to urinate.
  2. Total incontinence – This can indicate that your sphincter muscle is weakened, resulting in uncontrollable leakage.
  3. Stress incontinence – Occurs when you have increased abdominal pressure that increases pressure from your bladder.
  4. Overflow incontinence – This happens when your bladder doesn’t completely empty when you go to the bathroom.
  5. Functional incontinence – This is caused by other disabilities such as neurological disorders or arthritis. 
  6. Mixed incontinence – This is a person who suffers from more than one type of incontinence, such as stress incontinence plus urge incontinence. 

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Make Hillside Terrace Senior Living Your Home Away from Home! 

For more information about assisted living and the other services we provide, visit us at, or contact us here! Hillside Terrace – “Where our family shares life with your family!” We can help give your family peace of mind. When you’re at home, you’ll know your loved one is taken care of and in good hands. Schedule a tour today!

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Urinary Incontinence Can Happen at Any Age – What You Need to Know!

Assisted Living Ann Arbor

Incontinence can happen at any age, but it’s generally more common in seniors. It can be caused by typical aging, lifestyle choices, or a range of health conditions.

The following health issues can cause urinary incontinence in both women and men:

  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Stroke
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Constipation
  • Obesity

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Make Hillside Terrace Senior Living Your Home Away from Home! 

For more information about assisted living and the other services we provide, visit us at, or contact us here! Hillside Terrace – “Where our family shares life with your family!” We can help give your family peace of mind. When you’re at home, you’ll know your loved one is taken care of and in good hands. Schedule a tour today!